If you run a farm then you no doubt have farm equipment and machinery such as tractors, stock feed and tools that you use on a day to day basis. This machinery and equipment tends to be a big investment so it’s vital that it remains as well kept and looked after as possible. One of the best ways to do this is to invest in a shed specifically for your farm machinery and equipment.
We offer a variety of designs and styles of farm storage and machinery sheds. Before you get started you need to take the time to consider what you will use your shed for specifically and how you plan to use it. We’ve been building steel farm sheds for Kiwis since 2003 and we’re experts when it comes to rural and industrial buildings so we’ve put together a few factors to consider when designing your new farm machinery shed.
Likely the most crucial consideration for anyone about to embark on designing a new farm storage or machinery shed is deciding how much equipment or machinery you will be storing in it. To get yourself started you may want to make a list of what you’ll be wanting to store along with the size of each asset and how much space it will require. From there you should have a rough idea of how big or small your new shed will need to be.
While it’s vital to consider the size of your machinery and ensure you have enough space to access it, you may also want to consider allowing for some additional space in case you choose to invest in more machinery in the future. By planning ahead now you can save yourself money in the long run and also save yourself spending double the money building another shed if you run out of space!
Depending on where you live in New Zealand you may face severe weather conditions – from high temperatures and scorching sun to snow and heavy rain. So it’s key that any buildings or structures you build on your farm can withstand the weather which is why our in-house engineers will build your shed to the highest possible standard.
If you are planning on having a shed which won’t be fully enclosed you may want to orientate your shed to be facing away from the incoming direction of high winds or rain. If your farm is in an area that is prone to flooding you may also want to build your shed on higher ground.
A bay is the amount of space between the columns of the shed therefore, the wider this space is the more room you will have to store your machinery inside. This is a great feature if you have large trucks or tractors that you will be storing in your shed.
KiwiSpan sheds are fully customisable and are designed to meet your specific needs. The number of bays and their size is something you can decide on based on how much space you need and the size of your machinery.
Something vital to consider when designing your shed is how many walls you would like. If you’re planning on accessing the shed often and moving machinery in and out you may want to replace a wall or two with bays or roller doors to make this movement easier.
Not only will an enclosed shed be useful for protecting your equipment from theft or trespassers, but it will also prevent your machinery from being exposed to harsh weather. Plus we can fit sliding or rolling doors to ensure that you can still move your farm machinery in and out of the shed easily.
If you’re keen to discuss a farm equipment and machinery shed for your property then you’re in the right place! The KiwiSpan team are here to help you to design and build the perfect shed for your farm. We specialise in customisable sheds which are designed specifically for your needs and requirements.
If you’re ready to get started, give your local KiwiSpan licensee a call or request a quote and if you want to take a look at some past farm machinery shed projects you can take a look at them here.