4 Ways to Make Some Pocket Money with a Shed | KiwiSpan NZ


4 Ways to Make Some Pocket Money with a Shed (That Isn’t Cattle Farming)

Izzie | 08/28/20

A shed can be a lot of things, from a haven for storing all your DIY-related needs to a potential man cave to escape to for a few hours of “you-time” in the evening. 

It’s also a great little key to kickstart a side hustle. That’s right, sheds can be great little money-makers with just a bit of know-how. Despite this, it seems that farmers and woodworkers are the only ones to have realised it so far. 

This is a bit of a shame because there are actually quite a few ways to rake in a little extra dough with a shed – So we’ve put together a few ways you can too, without shearing a single sheep or milking a single cow. 


A home office for your small business


We’ve all been hard at work in the office only to catch a glimpse of the perfect summer weather going on outside. Now imagine working in an office that allowed you to take advantage of that good weather.

A shed built to function as a home office could be that very place.

There are a lot of upsides when it comes to working from home – which is probably why it’s becoming more and more common nowadays. However, it’s often nice to have a dedicated workspace, somewhere you can set up to suit your professional needs perfectly and rev up your productivity (and thus rake in more dollars).

Also, think of the money you’d save on office rental funds and petrol – not to mention the time you won’t be spending in traffic.


A sleepout for long and short term stays.


Sleepouts are a fantastic way to give yourself a bit of respite from the teenager without losing the ability to check up on them when you need to. 

But what about after the teenager finally moves out? Before you go using your sleepout as an extra storage unit, consider it’s potential as a rental accommodation first. There are always students looking to skip the student flat part of uni life – and they’re willing to pay good money to do so. 

Or perhaps you’ve decided that you’d rather not replace one young adult with another? Well then consider posting it up on Airbnb and other similar places as a short term rental property. 

Either or could sound like a pocket full of change before long. 



Growing vegetables 


Whilst we tend to think of outdoor gardens and glasshouses as the place for growing your own produce – a shed makes for a perfect place to grow (and sell) your own vegetables.

Via the use of skylights or ceiling mounted artificial lights (we can help with that), not only can you get those vegetables growing in no time, the indoor nature of shed gardens means you can continue yielding a healthy crop regardless of the weather, and all year around. 



Rental photography studio


Photographers are always on the lookout for an interesting location to rent out for a few hours on their next project. And considering the funds, they’ve already sunk into their equipment, whatever you charge will seem like a mere drop in the bucket. 

More and more people are using sheds as a darkroom for their photography needs. KiwiSpan provides several solutions that can make achieving this much easier, such as foregoing skylights, etc. 


Have we ignited your inner-entrepreneur? Then you may be interested in checking out some of the sheds we offer here. Talk to one of our licensees about your specific needs so we can customize and create a space that’s perfect for you. 

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