Pre-engineered buildings have gained popularity due to their numerous advantages over traditional construction methods. These structures are made from prefabricated components, with steel being a common material used for their construction. So, what makes them beneficial to construction projects? We delve into the benefits of working with prefabricated steel and explore how installing these steel buildings works.
Prefabricated steel buildings are an excellent choice if you’re looking for fast, cost-effective construction. Whether you’re building a steel garage for your home or a commercial building for your business, these structures provide various advantages. Let’s explore some of them below.
Pre-engineered steel buildings can be easily and quickly assembled onsite. The components of pre-engineered buildings are designed and manufactured at the factory, leading to efficient production processes and reduced construction time. This results in cost savings for manual labour.
Pre-engineered steel buildings offer excellent flexibility for future expansion. These buildings can accommodate potential expansions or modifications, making it easier for the structure to adapt to changing needs. The modular nature of pre-engineered components allows for changes without significant disruption to the existing building. For example, you could add a lean-to to your existing structure if you want more space and storage for miscellaneous equipment and furniture.
To understand how pre-engineered steel building installation works, let’s break down the process into three steps:
The first step in erecting a pre-engineered building is to prepare the foundation. This involves clearing, excavating, and levelling the site. Your KiwiSpan licensee will organise this for you; keep in mind that the process may take longer if the weather conditions aren’t good.
Once the foundation is ready, the primary framing is installed. The framing consists of top hats and cee-sections, and these steel components are bolted together and fastened to the foundation. The primary framing provides the main structural support for the building.
After the primary framing is in place, the next step is to install the roof and wall cladding. The installation begins with attaching the wall cladding to the secondary framing using self-drilling fasteners. The secondary framing includes purlins, girts, and eave struts. Once the walls are complete, roof panel installation and insulation follow.
Among all vendors, why choose KiwiSpan for your pre-engineered steel building? Here are the reasons why!
Steel is known for its strength and durability, making pre-engineered steel buildings highly resilient. At KiwiSpan, we use up to 3.0mm-gauge steel for the structural elements in our sheds and a minimum of 0.4mm-gauge cladding with extra wide and thicker 0.55mm-gauge flashings. They can withstand various weather conditions, including high winds, heavy snow loads, and seismic events. Steel also resists pests such as termites, reducing the risk of structural damage and minimising maintenance requirements.
Pre-engineered steel buildings offer architectural versatility, allowing a variety of design options. At KiwiSpan, you can create custom designs that meet your specific project requirements. Whether for commercial, industrial, agricultural, or residential purposes, KiwiSpan makes it possible to build your steel structure to your exact requirements. This flexibility in design ensures that your pre-engineered steel building suits your aesthetic preferences and functional needs.
KiwiSpan products undergo rigorous quality checks during the manufacturing process. We ensure that each component meets the required quality standards before being dispatched to the construction site. We also pride ourselves on providing a 50-year durability statement for our structural frames and associated bracketry. Our NZ-designed and engineered brackets utilise grunty, industrial-grade bolts, and heavy-gauge Tek screws, offering a stronger connection. You’ll gain peace of mind knowing your steel shed is durable and can withstand NZ’s harsh weather conditions.
When you partner with us, we’ll ensure that your steel shed meets performance and durability standards with a maintenance plan. Upon completion of the build, your respective KiwiSpan licensee will provide a maintenance plan specific to your shed so you know how to care for it.
Are you planning a new steel shed project? Let us help you. Contact us to discuss your building requirements, customisation options, and other considerations!