Environment Archives - Kiwispan


How Our Sheds Withstand NZ’s Weather Conditions

New Zealand is a complex country to build for.

No really. We may not be a particularly large country, but you can find near-tropical climates up north and sub-arctic atmospheres down south. And because a decent percentage of New Zealand is within a half-hour of the ocean, salt deposits are a constant struggle when trying to maintain a building (it’s the reason paint costs so much more here than overseas).

Oh, and our position with regards to the ozone layer doesn’t help either. For our skin, and our structures.

So you can probably imagine by now, there’s a bit that goes into ensuring a shed built in New Zealand can stand up to whatever nature throws at it. And whilst we haven’t quite managed to manufacture tornado/tsunami/pink-and-white-terraces part II proof steel just yet (stay tuned), we can say with confidence that our sheds can – quite literally – take on most of what New Zealand chucks their way.

In fact, we’re so sure that we got the law involved. Being fully compliant not only with the 2004 Building Act, but we also decided to take on the 2002 Construction Contracts Act and the 1993 Consumer Guarantees Act as well.

We won’t bore you with the fine print, but in short – this all means we’re bound to ensure a quality product.


So, it’s all well and good to tell you that your new shed will be able to stand the test of time, but how exactly do we ensure this?


A unique analysis of the environment

Well firstly, when someone approaches us about getting a custom shed built for them, aside from purpose and size – we also have a look at what kind of environment the building site is.

This is because the different types of cladding are better suited for specific environmental situations.

NZ environments typically fall into one of three categories:




  Very Severe


Based on which one your property falls into, we have a corresponding suitable cladding. There are also claddings made for specific purposes such as anti-condensation if required.

The best part of all this? From the outside, you’d hardly be able to tell the difference from one cladding to the next. So you don’t even need to worry about what your environment is like when determining what you want the shed to look like.

Technology these days, right?


If we’ve alleviated some concerns, or just piqued your interest, feel free to get in touch or learn more about the sheds we offer here.

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