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Steel Garage Insulation: Make Your Garage or Shed More Comfortable

Steel garages and sheds are a preferred choice for their durability and versatility, but the temperatures inside can get uncomfortable during both winter and summer. Garages and sheds that are warmer in winter and cooler in summer better protect your valuable possessions from temperature extremes and damp or humid air. A more stable and comfortable environment inside your garage or shed also makes expanding its use (e.g. to a home office, games room, or workshop shed) more feasible.

This article explores some simple steps to improve the thermal insulation of your steel garage or shed, better protecting your valued possessions and/or making it more comfortable for expanded use.


Steel Garages – To Insulate or Ventilate?


Steel garage insulation significantly reduces the extreme temperature fluctuations that occur during winter and summer. It also makes it easier to regulate the temperature in your garage, helping protect any temperature-sensitive items stored inside.

Retrofitting insulation isn’t difficult, but it’s much easier to do it right if you plan for it when building your shed or garage. Always tell your shed builder if insulating is a possibility. They can ensure that building paper and/or thermal breaks are included in the design.

When moist air comes into contact with a colder surface (such as metal cladding), condensation can occur. Good natural ventilation draws in drier air from outside, helping avoid condensation while protecting against excessive heat gain in summer. Ventilation can be passive (e.g. ceiling vents) or active (e.g. powered extractor fans).


Retrofitting Insulation to Metal Garages


Several types of steel shed insulation are available, each with unique benefits and applications. Selecting the right one depends on your needs and your area’s climate conditions. When installing bulk insulation, suitable building paper on the cladding side of the insulation is recommended to protect it from moisture.

Reflective Foil

Reflective foil insulation is the most basic and cost-effective form of insulation. When installed adjacent to an airspace, the aluminium foil surfaces reflect radiant heat, making them most suitable where the principal requirement is to reduce excessive heat gain during summer.

Glasswool Insulation

Glasswool insulation consists of pre-cut panels or blankets of bonded glass fibres that fit snugly between wall studs and ceiling joists. It’s popular for its affordability and ease of installation. Glasswool insulation offers both thermal and acoustic insulation, with performance based on thickness and density. For the best results, ensure the batts are installed without gaps or compression. Due to the nature of glasswool insulation, it is necessary to line any walls or ceiling where it is installed to avoid loose fibres in the air.

Polyester Insulation

Polyester insulation is similar to glasswool in installation and performance, but lining walls is not as necessary, as it will not release loose fibres and dust into the air.

Rigid Foam Boards

Rigid foam boards, made from polystyrene or polyurethane, are known for their durability and high insulation values. These boards can be cut to size and fitted against walls and roofs, although they’re more difficult to install without gaps. Rigid foam is especially beneficial in areas that require a thin yet highly effective insulating layer and is, therefore, commonly installed in conjunction with steel framing to reduce thermal bridging.

Spray Foam

Spray foam insulation is a service provided by professional installers around the county. The expanding foam spray fills every nook and cranny of your metal garage, achieving superior air-sealing and insulation values. However, as it often requires professional installation, it will be one of the most expensive types of insulation for garages.


Other Ways to Improve Thermal Performance


Older sheds were typically built with little consideration for gaps and openings, which can cause drafts and heat loss. Any attempt to insulate an old shed may require the extra step of sealing off any unwanted openings and gaps. Inspect your cladding and flashings and repair or replace any parts as appropriate.

Newer shed construction techniques and materials used by KiwiSpan emphasise quality craftsmanship, eliminating unwanted openings and gaps; any remaining openings are most likely by design, providing passive ventilation to reduce the build-up of heat and moisture. It has become increasingly common for sheds to include both building paper and a thermal break at the owner’s request, helping to future-proof the possibility of insulating or lining the shed/garage. Future-proofing is important if, down the line, you want to transform the space into a sleepout or hobby shed.

If you’re insulating your shed and want to really improve its comfort in extreme temperatures, you might like to consider upgrading your openings. Double-glazed windows and thermally insulated garage doors are common requests for many new KiwiSpan sheds and garages.


Doing Things Right


As mentioned above, you can take some simple steps to upgrade your shed or garage’s thermal performance and make the environment inside more stable and comfortable.

Taking these steps when building a new shed or garage will ‘future-proof’ it for any later upgrades or changes in use. If you are building a new shed, talk to your builder about your plans for use both now and into the future.

Please note that any significant change in the use of a shed or garage may require council consent and the engagement of a tradesperson (builder, draftsperson, or architectural designer). Please consult with your council before undertaking major projects.

Checking for moisture build-up and mould is important as these can significantly reduce insulation effectiveness and lead to structural damage. However, you typically won’t find these issues in a KiwiSpan shed, thanks to our focus on quality craftsmanship.


Create a Warm Steel Shed with KiwiSpan


If you’re looking for a metal shed to house your vehicles through the cold months, look no further than KiwiSpan. Talk to us about your new shed and how you plan to use it both now and in the future. We will recommend customisations to ensure it is not just built to last but built for your current and future requirements. Get a quote today!

Commercial Shed Business Ideas & Inspiration

Steel commercial sheds have become increasingly popular for New Zealand businesses, celebrated for their durability, versatility, and cost-effectiveness. These robust, versatile structures provide an ideal solution for entrepreneurs looking to start or expand their ventures.

KiwiSpan is setting the standard for quality sheds. Join us as we explore the benefits of our steel buildings and share some inspiring business ideas for sheds.


Why Choose a KiwiSpan Shed for Your Business Venture?


Durability and Strength

KiwiSpan sheds are renowned for their durability and strength. Steel can withstand extreme weather conditions, pests, and fire, making it a reliable choice for businesses seeking long-term stability and safety. Moreover, we offer a 50-year durability statement for our structural frame and associated bracketry, provided they are maintained in accordance with our durability and maintenance guide.



KiwiSpan’s steel sheds are highly versatile and can be customised to meet various business needs. Whether your enterprise requires a large open space or smaller segmented areas, we can modify your structure accordingly. They are also easy to expand, simplifying scaling your business as it grows.



If you need a shed for your small business and want to save on costs, a KiwiSpan steel shed provides a low-maintenance solution. These steel sheds require minimal upkeep, significantly reducing long-term maintenance expenses. The savings you acquire will allow you to allocate more of your budget toward other critical areas of your business.


Quick Construction

Our steel sheds are incredibly quick to construct. Because we tailor our structures to suit our client’s unique needs, construction times can vary. However, we design every aspect of our sheds to be as quick as possible to build. Although weather, supply delays, and subcontractor availability can delay the project, we aim to work quickly and keep you in the loop on the progress. We have managed to build outstanding sheds in as little as a week.



Our sheds use steel that can be 100% recycled and reused, making them a sustainable solution for businesses. In addition to using eco-conscious materials, we can incorporate energy-efficient designs to help reduce your business’s carbon footprint and lower energy costs. Choosing a steel building is both a smart financial decision and a responsible environmental choice.


Business Ideas You Can Start with Commercial Steel Sheds


In NZ, steel sheds offer large, structurally sound spaces suitable for various businesses. Here are a few types of businesses that can thrive in KiwiSpan’s commercial sheds:


Storage Rental Facility

The demand for storage rental facilities is on the rise. Steel sheds are perfect for this purpose due to their security and weather-proof features. Business owners can offer customers peace of mind knowing their belongings are stored in a safe and dry environment. Additionally, we can easily divide our steel buildings into individual units, with the flexibility to expand as demand grows.


Auto Parts Store

Our steel sheds are an excellent choice for an auto parts store. These buildings provide spacious interiors for stocking inventory and ample room for customer browsing. Their strong structure ensures that heavy parts and machinery are safely housed. Additionally, steel buildings offer easy access for deliveries and shipments, making operations smooth and efficient.


Retail Spaces

Our commercial sheds can be adapted to suit various retail businesses. Whether it’s a boutique outlet or a hardware shop, you can customise your steel structure to create an inviting shopping experience that attracts and retains customers.


Manufacturing and Fabrication Workshops

Manufacturing businesses require sturdy and safe facilities to house heavy machinery and equipment. Steel offers the perfect solution with its robust construction and customisation options. Business owners can create workshops tailored to their unique needs, ensuring efficient and safe operations.


Car Mechanic Workshops

KiwiSpan’s commercial sheds are the perfect solution for car mechanic workshops, offering the ideal combination of durability, functionality, and space. Our smart structures feature no internal columns to obstruct your workspace, allowing for seamless movement and efficient layout of tools, equipment, and vehicles.


Find a Large Shed to House Your Business at KiwiSpan


Ready to turn your business idea into a reality? Speak to the KiwiSpan team today to find a solution for your needs.

KiwiSpan is a trusted provider of high-quality steel buildings in New Zealand, offering a wide range of products and customisation options. Our team provides excellent customer service and support, ensuring a smooth process from planning to construction. Contact us today to explore your options and take the first step towards a successful venture.

Shed Maintenance Tips for Summer

As the summer sun heats up, so does the need to properly care for your trusty NZ steel shed. Unlike some other sheds out there, KiwiSpan steel sheds offer a superior 50-year durability commitment. However, even the toughest sheds require seasonal attention to ensure they remain in excellent condition for generations. So, before the temperatures soar, roll up your sleeves and follow these essential tips for steel shed maintenance. 


Why Summer Maintenance Matters


While steel is inherently strong, summer in New Zealand can throw curveballs that can weaken its defences. Intense heat leads to thermal expansion and contraction, putting stress on the structure. New Zealand’s harsh UV rays can speed up the rate at which colours fade, especially dark colours and on the north-facing side of your shed. In parts of the country, high humidity contributes to increased condensation, which feeds the growth of mould and mildew. Neglecting these factors can lead to costly repairs or even premature shed replacement.


Keeping Your KiwiSpan Shed Cool


KiwiSpan understands that your belongings deserve the best. And you can give them the protection they deserve with a KiwiSpan steel storage shed. While the steel we use is tough and built for NZ’s harsh weather conditions, there are practical ways to maintain its quality, integrity, and shape during summer.


Shade Strategies

Position the trees or vines strategically to maximise shade during the hottest parts of the day. Be mindful of root growth to avoid damaging the shed’s foundation. Alternatively, you could install shade sails or awnings for targeted protection.


Reflective Paint

When selecting your shed colour, opt for paint with a higher Total Solar Reflectance (TSR) for your roof and exterior walls. A higher TSR colour will deflect more heat, keeping your interior cooler.

KiwiSpan uses COLORSTEEL® paint designed for New Zealand conditions, ensuring durability and effective heat reflection. We offer a wide range of colour choices to ensure that your shed will stay cool and look cool, too.


Insulation Matters

Consider adding reflective foil or bulk insulation to your roof and walls, especially if your shed houses heat-sensitive items. This creates a barrier against heat transfer. Your KiwiSpan project manager will be able to advise you on this.


Proactive Maintenance Tips


Regular Roof Checks

Inspect your roof for any cracks, holes, or loose fasteners. Prompt repairs prevent leaks and sun damage to the interior. At KiwiSpan, you can choose from MODNCOLOUR® and COLORSTEEL® cladding in various profiles to combat the heat, promote airflow, and prevent moisture buildup.


Paint Maintenance

Regularly inspect the paint for fading, chipping, or rust spots—touch up with high-quality, rust-resistant paint to halt the accelerated oxidation which can take place in warm, moist environments.


Gutter Cleaning

Don’t let clogged gutters trap water and debris. Clean them regularly, ensuring proper drainage to prevent water damage and rusting.



Waterblasting is an important part of KiwiSpan shed maintenance, not just for the summer but all year round. This cleaning method uses high-pressure water spray to remove dirt, grime, loose paint, mould, algae, and other unwanted materials from your shed. Unlike traditional cleaning methods, waterblasting does not require harsh chemicals, making it an environmentally friendly option.


Declutter and Organise

Remove unnecessary items from your shed to improve airflow and prevent moisture buildup. Organise remaining items efficiently to maximise space and prevent damage.


Pest Control

Pests can cause significant damage to your shed and its contents if not taken care of. Regularly inspect for signs of rodent or insect activity and address them promptly.


Winter Preparation

As summer winds down, prepare your KiwiSpan shed for winter by addressing any repairs, removing leaves and debris from the roof, and ensuring proper drainage to prevent any damage caused by the buildup of water, snow, or ice.

By following these simple yet effective tips, you can ensure your KiwiSpan steel shed thrives through the summer heat and wet winters, offering reliable storage for many years. Remember, regular maintenance is key to maximising the lifespan and functionality of your shed, saving you money, and preserving your valuable belongings.


Steel Sheds You Can Rely on All Year Round


Choose a shed that stands strong year after year – no matter the weather. Crafted from high-quality steel, KiwiSpan steel sheds can withstand harsh weather conditions and only require minimal upkeep. We offer a 50-year lifespan for our sheds’ structural frame and related brackets, assuming adherence to our durability and maintenance guidelines. Invest in quality and peace of mind – choose a KiwiSpan steel shed today! Get a quote here.

6 Reasons You Should Build an Industrial Storage Shed

In today’s fast-paced industrial landscape, efficient storage solutions are essential for businesses to thrive. If you’re a business owner looking for an efficient yet cost-effective solution to secure your valuable business investments, we may have the solution for you. Whether you own a car care centre, run a trucking business, or are in the manufacturing industry, investing in a metal shed can be a game changer for your storage needs. Let’s explore how your business can benefit from building industrial storage sheds.


Reason 1: Increased Storage Capacity

Do you have a fleet of vehicles or a host of products without the space to store them? Minimal storage space could hinder your business operations, negatively impact productivity, and cost you money. Industrial storage sheds offer an ideal solution by providing ample space to accommodate various items. With a KiwiSpan industrial building or storage shed, you can rest assured that everything will fit. From machinery and equipment to raw materials and finished products, our commercial sheds can house a wide range of assets, ensuring everything is readily accessible when needed. We can deliver clear spans of up to 18m without obtrusive bracing, providing more usable space for your operations from top to bottom.


Reason 2: Enhanced Security & Safety

The security of your valuable equipment and materials is paramount. You can equip your KiwiSpan industrial storage shed with robust security features to protect your assets against theft. In addition to security features, the durability of KiwiSpan sheds stands as a formidable defence against New Zealand’s harsh weather. These tough sheds are built with the highest-quality steel, shielding your assets from harsh elements, UV rays, and moisture while preventing corrosion and damage.


Reason 3: Improved Organisation

Maintaining a well-organised workspace is crucial in an industrial setting. KiwiSpan industrial storage sheds are incredibly adaptable, making it easy to organise, categorise, and store items systematically. You can utilise additional shelving, racks, and storage bins to optimise organisation within the shed, making retrieval and inventory management more efficient.


Reason 4: Cost-Effective Solution

While initial construction costs may seem significant, KiwiSpan industrial storage sheds provide long-term cost-effectiveness. Compared to alternative storage options, such as renting warehouse space, our metal sheds often result in substantial savings. With minimal maintenance requirements, your shed remains secure and functional for years to come, eliminating the need for costly repairs or replacements. It is a wise investment that pays off in the long haul.


Reason 5: Customisation and Versatility

One of the greatest advantages of KiwiSpan industrial storage sheds is their versatility. You can customise them to meet your specific storage or business needs, tailoring the size, layout, and features to accommodate your unique requirements.

Such a high degree of adaptability not only improves the operational efficiency of your facility but also adds to cost-effectiveness, competitive edge, and customer satisfaction, all of which are vital for the success of your industrial endeavours.


Reason 6: Meet Customer Demands

As operations increase and expand, an industrial storage shed becomes a crucial asset to meet customer demand and attract more potential clients. KiwiSpan sheds offer the storage space needed to stock a wider variety of products, appealing to a more diverse customer base. With additional storage capacity, you can also store seasonal items in advance, ensuring they are readily available when customers start looking for them.


Maximise Your Business ROI with KiwiSpan

With KiwiSpan’s industrial and commercial sheds, your business has nowhere to go but up! Our unwavering dedication to crafting structures of enduring quality sets us apart. Whether you need a spacious warehouse, a state-of-the-art factory, or a meticulously designed workshop, our team has the experience and expertise to surpass expectations.

If you are interested in building an industrial storage shed, try our 3D Builder and start exploring the possibilities today. Talk to the friendly KiwiSpan team to further discuss your storage needs.

Spring Maintenance Guide – Maximise the Life of Your KiwiSpan Shed

Buildings require regular maintenance to ensure the lifespan of the components and to meet your warranty conditions. Your KiwiSpan steel shed is no different. Without programmed maintenance aspects of your shed may degrade due to the cumulative effects of…



It makes sense to get outdoor maintenance done in spring – it’s warmer to be outside, things start drying out after the cold damp of winter, and with warmer, more settled weather ahead you know your cleaning and maintenance efforts are likely to pay off for a few months to come.



This is possibly the most important maintenance task. We’re lucky that it rains a lot in New Zealand. Rain naturally washes your shed which helps prevent degradation, however the rain can’t reach all areas of your building and doesn’t wash everything away. We recommend many parts of your KiwiSpan steel shed be cleaned multiple times through the year. This is especially important for those areas where the rain doesn’t reach. Spring is a great time to do a bigger clean that includes both the areas which need more frequent cleaning, as well as those needing less regular manual cleaning. 

We suggest the following aspects be covered in your spring clean:


Cleaning methods

When cleaning steel sheds, KiwiSpan recommend either:

If you have any lichen, fungus, or pollen, some cleaning solutions will be needed to properly remove the problem. Please consult your individual maintenance guide for information on cleaning products and how to deal with the problem in a way that won’t harm your shed. (On completion of a KiwiSpan shed, all new shed owners receive a maintenance guide which is specific to their shed.)


Rust checks

Visually inspect the structure and cladding for any signs of rust. KiwiSpan use galvanised steel coatings which come with fifteen years of corrosion protection; however it’s still important to check the cladding for rust. The galvanised coating is a sacrificial layer that protects the strong steel base underneath. This coating may be damaged by scrapes and bumps as well as longer term degradation due to the elements. 

Look for rust stains or the growth of rust spots – at the first sign of rust, talk to your local KiwiSpan team who’ll talk you through the appropriate maintenance coating system. 

At any stage, you can reference the full maintenance guide created by KiwiSpan for your unique shed. The good news is that with a KiwiSpan shed, you don’t need to get out sandpaper and paint brushes as part of your maintenance schedule!

Whether it’s a residential, commercial or industrial building you need, KiwiSpan has a customised shed solution for you. Contact us HERE today to get the ball rolling on your next project.


Trends In Steel Shed Construction

Steel sheds are incredibly versatile and are a popular choice in many environments. Like the rest of the building industry, there are some major trends shaping the construction and utilisation of steel sheds. Here, KiwiSpan shares some of the trends facing steel shed construction today.

These are some of the key trends we’re seeing at the moment and there are sure to be more changes as the construction industry continues to evolve. Whatever the trends, you can rest assured that the team at KiwiSpan are experts in the industry. We’ll guide you through any shifts and changes when it comes to choosing the right steel shed for your needs. 
Whether it’s a garage shed, workshop, commercial or industrial shed, KiwiSpan has a customised solution for you. Contact us HERE today to get the ball rolling on your next project.

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