Must-Have Features for Your Workshop Shed Design | KiwiSpan


Must-Have Features for Your Workshop Shed Design

Izzie | 04/04/23

Steel sheds make excellent and practical additions to your backyard if your garage or storage space isn’t enough. It can be a designated place to house your tools or fix up your classic car. Whether that may be woodworking, gardening, carpentry, paint jobs, or restoration projects, a workshop shed is a perfect place to store machinery and various equipment and do personal projects. If you’re looking to invest in a custom steel shed, here are the must-have features to consider when working on your steel workshop shed design.


Why choose steel sheds?

Steel sheds are durable, inexpensive, low maintenance, and built to last. This is why many homeowners or hobbyists prefer to invest in steel over wooden sheds. Steel shed kit sets are very easy to put together and construct. Plus, they’re weather-resistant and require little maintenance to keep them in tip-top shape, enabling you to have the ideal storage space without exerting too much effort.


Must-have features for workshop sheds

The design and features of your steel workshop shed will depend on how you plan to use them. If you’re planning gardening activities, necessary features may include potting benches. But generally, a steel workshop shed should have the following essential features:


Adequate size and space

The size of your shed is crucial in the design as it needs to accommodate your storage needs, activity, and property size. If you’re working with a small property size but need ample space for your hobby, you can opt for a taller metal shed with a mezzanine floor that will make room for storage.


Tables & Workbenches

Steel workshop sheds should have at least a set of tables and a workbench, as they’re handy for any hobby. After all, workshop sheds are primarily for workshop activities—building, repairing, restoring, and more.



When in your workshop shed, you’ll likely be there working for long hours. As such, steel workshop sheds may require specific installations or utilities such as electricity, plumbing, and heating to make them more conducive for working. As KiwiSpan does not install these utilities, you’ll need to hire contractors to incorporate any additional utilities, such as air conditioning and a sink, for extra comfort and convenience.


Storage & Shelving

Storage and shelving are also crucial aspects when designing a steel workshop shed. Shelves help keep tools accessible, while drawers and cabinets can keep equipment safe and secure. Because storage allows you to maximise the space of your steel shed, it’s helpful to consider the recommended type of storage and shelving of your licensee during the design phase. 


Doors & Windows

Review the type of windows and doors you need to maximise your steel shed. For example, a larger door is more suitable if you’re planning to bring heavy equipment and bulky machinery. Expansive windows are also a practical choice to allow more natural light and achieve better ventilation. But remember, because there are many purposes for steel sheds, your local licensee should be able to provide you with expert advice on what type of doors and windows will work best for your needs.


Safety Features

It’s also ideal to have your steel sheds equipped with the safety features that you need. Make sure to discuss these with your licensee during the design phase. Talk about how you can meet suitable lighting, ventilation, and fire safety requirements to ensure your steel shed will be a conducive environment for your work. For example, although we know that metal sheds are less of a fire hazard than wooden sheds, you can raise your desire for more safety features. If you get a go signal from your local licensee, you can hunt for suppliers who can install a smoke or carbon monoxide detector for added safety and peace of mind.


Custom sheds designed around your needs

KiwiSpan has the perfect solution for your storage and personal needs. We offer prefabricated steel sheds for residential, commercial, and agricultural applications. We can also customise steel workshop sheds that answer your specific needs or requirements. Our steel sheds adhere to New Zealand’s Building Code requirements, guaranteeing high-quality sheds that stand the test of time. Design your steel workshop shed today.


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