Shed Maintenance Tips for Summer – Expert Insights | KiwiSpan


Shed Maintenance Tips for Summer

Izzie | 02/01/24

As the summer sun heats up, so does the need to properly care for your trusty NZ steel shed. Unlike some other sheds out there, KiwiSpan steel sheds offer a superior 50-year durability commitment. However, even the toughest sheds require seasonal attention to ensure they remain in excellent condition for generations. So, before the temperatures soar, roll up your sleeves and follow these essential tips for steel shed maintenance. 


Why Summer Maintenance Matters


While steel is inherently strong, summer in New Zealand can throw curveballs that can weaken its defences. Intense heat leads to thermal expansion and contraction, putting stress on the structure. New Zealand’s harsh UV rays can speed up the rate at which colours fade, especially dark colours and on the north-facing side of your shed. In parts of the country, high humidity contributes to increased condensation, which feeds the growth of mould and mildew. Neglecting these factors can lead to costly repairs or even premature shed replacement.


Keeping Your KiwiSpan Shed Cool


KiwiSpan understands that your belongings deserve the best. And you can give them the protection they deserve with a KiwiSpan steel storage shed. While the steel we use is tough and built for NZ’s harsh weather conditions, there are practical ways to maintain its quality, integrity, and shape during summer.


Shade Strategies

Position the trees or vines strategically to maximise shade during the hottest parts of the day. Be mindful of root growth to avoid damaging the shed’s foundation. Alternatively, you could install shade sails or awnings for targeted protection.


Reflective Paint

When selecting your shed colour, opt for paint with a higher Total Solar Reflectance (TSR) for your roof and exterior walls. A higher TSR colour will deflect more heat, keeping your interior cooler.

KiwiSpan uses COLORSTEEL® paint designed for New Zealand conditions, ensuring durability and effective heat reflection. We offer a wide range of colour choices to ensure that your shed will stay cool and look cool, too.


Insulation Matters

Consider adding reflective foil or bulk insulation to your roof and walls, especially if your shed houses heat-sensitive items. This creates a barrier against heat transfer. Your KiwiSpan project manager will be able to advise you on this.


Proactive Maintenance Tips


Regular Roof Checks

Inspect your roof for any cracks, holes, or loose fasteners. Prompt repairs prevent leaks and sun damage to the interior. At KiwiSpan, you can choose from MODNCOLOUR® and COLORSTEEL® cladding in various profiles to combat the heat, promote airflow, and prevent moisture buildup.


Paint Maintenance

Regularly inspect the paint for fading, chipping, or rust spots—touch up with high-quality, rust-resistant paint to halt the accelerated oxidation which can take place in warm, moist environments.


Gutter Cleaning

Don’t let clogged gutters trap water and debris. Clean them regularly, ensuring proper drainage to prevent water damage and rusting.



Waterblasting is an important part of KiwiSpan shed maintenance, not just for the summer but all year round. This cleaning method uses high-pressure water spray to remove dirt, grime, loose paint, mould, algae, and other unwanted materials from your shed. Unlike traditional cleaning methods, waterblasting does not require harsh chemicals, making it an environmentally friendly option.


Declutter and Organise

Remove unnecessary items from your shed to improve airflow and prevent moisture buildup. Organise remaining items efficiently to maximise space and prevent damage.


Pest Control

Pests can cause significant damage to your shed and its contents if not taken care of. Regularly inspect for signs of rodent or insect activity and address them promptly.


Winter Preparation

As summer winds down, prepare your KiwiSpan shed for winter by addressing any repairs, removing leaves and debris from the roof, and ensuring proper drainage to prevent any damage caused by the buildup of water, snow, or ice.

By following these simple yet effective tips, you can ensure your KiwiSpan steel shed thrives through the summer heat and wet winters, offering reliable storage for many years. Remember, regular maintenance is key to maximising the lifespan and functionality of your shed, saving you money, and preserving your valuable belongings.


Steel Sheds You Can Rely on All Year Round


Choose a shed that stands strong year after year – no matter the weather. Crafted from high-quality steel, KiwiSpan steel sheds can withstand harsh weather conditions and only require minimal upkeep. We offer a 50-year lifespan for our sheds’ structural frame and related brackets, assuming adherence to our durability and maintenance guidelines. Invest in quality and peace of mind – choose a KiwiSpan steel shed today! Get a quote here.

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