A Team You Can Trust: Building With KiwiSpan - Kiwispan


A Team You Can Trust: Building With KiwiSpan

Izzie | 04/29/20

When it comes to quality sheds, KiwiSpan is a cut above the rest. Our sheds are backed by our unrivalled attention to details, premium products and material, and vast experience. 

Since 2003, we have built countless sheds that our customers have fallen in love with. We pride ourselves on providing an experience that is enjoyable, transparent and cost-effective. This is why we’re the Kiwi choice! 


Unmatched experience

KiwiSpan has been paving the way in the shed market since 2003. In this time, there is nothing our network of licensees hasn’t faced. Think you have a difficult or obscure requirement? Chances are we’ve designed and built a shed that meets your needs. 

Because of this, your KiwiSpan shed is designed specifically for you. Our approach is completely flexible. None of our sheds are built from predetermined plans. We tailor your shed to the land you have available, the intended use, weather conditions and future needs. 

Because of our experience, you have the freedom to design your perfect shed – not settle. 


Leading products and materials 

We believe in using only the highest-quality products and materials available. Because of this, the shed you build with us today will stand the test of time. 

We guarantee that our sheds will last. How can we do that? 

Because we only use the best materials. This includes New Zealand steel that is proven to withstand the harshest conditions. We use steel 0.40-0.55 gauge steel throughout our sheds. This will give you the confidence that your new shed is durable and reliable. 


Passionate licensees 

At KiwiSpan’s core is a national network of passionate and trustworthy licensees, who pride themselves on two things – their sheds and their customer service. 

Our network of licensees reaches from the cape to the bluff and everywhere in between. Every single one of our licensees possesses years of building experience, knowledge of their area and a passion for seeing happy customers. 

Throughout the entire process, our licensees have your best interests at heart. From the first meeting and initial quote, we are with you every step of the way. We’ll advise on getting building consent, manage the build process, and we’re there to cut the ribbon when completed. 


At the end of the day, we have one goal, to build a shed that you can be proud of.

Whether you are building a new man cave, workshop, place to store your toys or place of business, KiwiSpan should be the first name you think of. 

Our commitment, expertise and approach make us second to none. Discover the KiwiSpan difference today, get into touch with your local licensee or use our 3D designer tool to kickstart the process.

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