Putting Together the Perfect Workshop | KiwiSpan Sheds NZ


Putting Together the Perfect Workshop

Izzie | 12/20/20

The list of people who could benefit from having their own workshop is a lengthy one. Whether you’re an avid hobbyist or creating things in the garage is literally how you pay the bills, your life will only be made easier from having a reliable workspace. 

The problem is, however, a great workshop is much more than just a space set aside for work. A perfect workshop should be built for purpose, efficiently laid out and containing everything you need to get your work done as effectively as possible. 

At KiwiSpan, we believe that the best approach to creating such a workspace is a custom one. When working with a customer, we make sure we get a full understanding of what they want and need, and create a workspace that will allow them to achieve this. 

Here are a few things to consider to help determine what you’ll need to create your ideal workspace: 



Many shed building companies only offer standardised shed sizes. KiwiSpan, however, allows you to design a shed to whatever size you need. As a bonus, our sheds don’t need a centre pole to remain standing, which means you’ll have more space for fixtures and storage. 

Finding the ideal size itself is a bit of a balancing act. You’ll want to ensure that there’s enough space for everything you’ll need (tools, machinery, etc) plus adequate working space for yourself. On the other hand, you’ll have to take into account that most councils require your shed to be spaced its own height in distance from all boundaries on your property (e.g. a 3m tall shed will need to be 3m away from the nearest fence). Aim for somewhere in the middle. 



You’ll want to make sure you have all the necessary workspaces sorted too. Even if it’s just a simple workbench, make sure there’s more than enough space to work and play in. 

Overestimation of how much space you’ll need is never a bad thing – we speak from experience when we say that none of our customers are ever upset by having too much space. 

For those of you with more ambitious projects in mind, you’ll want to take stock of what machinery you’ll need – and whether it requires storage or if it will need to be built into the workshop itself.

Lastly, but absolutely not least – health and safety. Sure, it’s not the most exciting thing to think about, but it’s particularly important when it comes to workshops – be it an emergency off switch or a dust extractor. 

After all, the perfect workshop should be one that doesn’t involve injuries right? 


Has this helped you determine what sort of workshop you’d like? Get in touch here to make it a reality!


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